It’s that time of year again, when our minds start to drift towards improvements we can make, so the new year will be better than the last. There are many positive New Year’s resolutions to aspire to, quitting smoking, eating better, exercising more to name a few. A lot of the time, our list is filled with ways to make ourselves and our families healthier. One resolution that we sometimes over look is one of the most important. Keeping our homes cleaner. I know, I know, no one likes to clean, it’s a tedious chore that seems to never end, but it’s vital to our physical and mental health. Not only does it make us feel good for our environment to be clean, it helps keep your Beaverton, Portland or Oregon City area homes free from a pest invasion.
    Bugs love dirty environments. Hiding in dusty corners and under piles of dirty clothes is where these critters thrive. If left unchecked and undisturbed, insects such as spiders, fleas, bed bugs and even mice can make nests and breed in your space. When the babies are born or the eggs hatch, you have a full blown infestation on your hands. They destroy your bedding, clothing and furniture, and worst of all they make us SICK! They make our food unsafe to eat and damage the structure of our houses, which we all know can be extremely expensive.
    So, while you are making time for the gym in 2023, remember to save a little of that precious time for dusting, sweeping and vacuuming. These small added moments to clean, can save you big money in the long run, most importantly, it can help save your health too! If you do notice pests lurking around your home, get help from the pest control professionals at Sasquatch Pest Control. 503-828-9492