You may notice an increase of varying types of beetles, in the Portland area, during this time of year. In the fall months these (among other pests) are looking for a warm place to hibernate for the winter. Common fall beetles include ladybugs, boxelder bugs, and stink bugs. These species are often resistant to traditional treatments so the intervention of a professional is recommended.
    You can take some steps to lessen the complete infestation of these pests. If you see beetles in your home, it is best to vacuum them up. It is also helpful to seal any cracks in window or door frames. Screens should also be free from rips and tears. They love the warm areas of your home, so south and west-facing sides are ideal for beetles to seek sunlight. Make sure gaps and openings are eliminated in these areas.
    If left untreated you could have a colony thriving in your home and a larger infestation to deal with in the spring. Different pest need different treatment so call the specialists at Sasquatch Pest Control for all the pest help you need this fall. 503-828-9492